The library of airplanes

LOT-EK has just proposed reusing more than two hundred discarded fuselages from Boeing 727 and 737 airplanes as the major structural components for a new library in Guadalajara.

The airplane shells would be "stacked in a north-south slant in relation to sun exposure for energy efficiency."

I think this is amazing!
"The fuselage is the only part of a decommissioned airplane that cannot be effectively recycled," we read. "The cost of its demolition exceeds the profit of aluminum resale. A huge amount of fuselages lay in the deserts of the western states. Boeing 727 and 737 are historically the most sold commercial planes and therefore the most common in these graveyards. They are sold at very low prices completely stripped and in great structural conditions."

"The fuselage becomes the basic module of this building. It is insulated and furnished according to the program. The internal subdivision generated by the existing floor joists is used to respond to functional needs: the upper section is used for inhabitation while the lower one houses independent and interconnected mechanical systems: HVAC, electrical, cabling, and a conveyor belts network for the mechanical distribution of the books."

Read more at noticias arquitectura.
(Via Archinect).
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Reminds me of the possiblities of Yona Friedman's plans.
Or this: 747 House.
This is practically begging for puns about mass transit, air traffic, and flights of fancy. So here goes. How about they add wheels to those fuselage and drive them around town, one at a time? It's the bookmobile-meets-parking-garage concept. Amost as sexy as the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile, but bigger, and just as likely to get boys into the stacks. I realise that this arrangement of tubes is very efficient, but wouldn't it have been more aesthetically convincing if it had been arranged in the holding patterns of flights over a particularly congested airport? After all, on any given day, airports become high-rise waiting lounges. Yet, to my knowledge, no one has taken this as an inspiration for a fixed structure. Think of it, a return to modernist aesthetics could coalesce around functional ephemera based on transport: flight patterns turned into structures; traffic jams turned into dynamic parks (ha! literally); subways and trains turned into 'sleeper' communities, and; patterns of boat/ship traffic as the basis for the design of institutional workspaces, where larger centres and smaller out-buildings interact as part of the working day.
As for the Rehwald house, has anyone suggested that the thing will look like a wreck from above? Will pilots and passengers see it as a warning and avoid flying near it? I suggest that it's a morbid scheme, and not particularly feminine given the boxy support structure.
Where are the stewardesses?
As if on cue: a video of traffic in India that exemplifies architectural possibilities of movement. (via)
yeah, cool idea, I was thinking it could make a cool desert cabin, but then, how do you transport something so long? It might not be very feasible to transport, either.
Damn, can't wait for that thing to be build. It will attract alot of attention to the area.
F. Barcenas
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