New Digs

After much ado, including multiple near-moves and failed attempts, I have finally gone over to Wordpress, with BLDGBLOG now residing at
Please update any bookmarks or links you might have to the site—but please also be sure to update your RSS feed: can also find individual tags and categories that you might like and subscribe specifically to them, as well—for example:, the new site offers a bunch of cool tools, such as a "Headlines" category that publishes only in the right-hand column—think of it as a kind of expanded Twitter feed for news items and quick links—as well as the ability to use marginal H6 tags for secondary asides and commentary.
Undoubtedly, there will be many details that still need fixing—that is, posts with no tags, missing links, or strange formatting—but I'll get to those over the next few weeks.
Finally, I owe huge, huge thanks to Jim Webb for his help with CSS and coding; Jim absolutely knows his stuff and makes a fantastic teacher. Consider hiring him for any site needs of your own.
See you over at the new site! And don't forget to update your RSS.
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