The Event

We videotaped everything, as well, so once I figure out whether we'll be putting those tapes online or simply transcribing them, I'll let you know.
But it was a great event, I thought. There were some moments in which the screen turned magenta and we went rather beyond the scheduled time slot, but it was a nice mesh of topics, approaches, ideas, and imagery, and some really cool conversations ensued at the end.
So thanks again – and, if you did come out, I hope you had a good time! If you didn't have a good time, of course, please feel free to tell me why...
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Great talk, Geoff! Your boundless energy and consummate ideas jump off the page with ease. My only regret is leaving halfway through your presentation (and everyone else's for that matter) for another engagement.
great event - your talk was awesome and inspiring. still thinking about that photo of a man at the sea bottom within an offshore structure's leg - do you know stiltsville of the coast of miami?
You left halfway through my presentation!? That was you, then.
Cruel, cruel.
I'm kidding - glad you were there at all.
And, eeb, I don't know Stiltsville, actually. I'll Google it... Thanks for coming to the talk!
Are you ever going to release a book format of BLDGBLOG? I thought about printing all 650+ posts & comments, but it seems a daunting task.
While Google is busy digitizing books, BLDGBLOG bucks the trend and goes print.
Well, that possibility - of a book - is actually under discussion right now... but nothing's definite. I'll let you know, though, because if something like a BLDGBLOG Book really were to come about, I think you'd hear me screaming for joy all the way up there in San Francisco! Fingers crossed...
And, if not, of course, if the various plans in play right now come to nothing, then, yeah, some kind of print-on-demand format might enter into the picture.
I'll let you know! But save the ink for now. And I think it's more like 710 posts at this point...
Cool. Maybe I have something to read in the SBB by September.
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