Disturbing Indeterminate Horizons of Fresh Architecture

Does anyone know anything about these books? More specifically, have you read them – and, if so, how are they? Well-produced? Interesting? Over-academic? Boring? Life-changing and amazing?
I can only find the most basic book descriptions online – and most of those are in German – and I would simply order one of these to see what they're actually like (I don't have access to an architecture library) but they seem a little bit over-priced. A 100-page pamphlet for $25.95...?
Anyway, if anyone's ever run across one of these, let me know. The three books, above, are by Nat Chard, Shaun Murray, and Chora/Raoul Bunshoten, respectively.
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Are you in the U.S.? Try this link out:
These books are available at university libraries within the United States. I've managed to acquire many books to read through inter-library loan.
Ah, if I had been a more critical reader, I would have seen that you didn't have access to an architecture library.
Shouldn't you be able to loan these books from a arch. lib via your local lib?
I could use inter-library loan, but I just thought I'd see if anyone out there had ever actually seen these in person - and, if so, what they thought of them.
I've got the one by Nat Chard. I studied in his class while he taught in Copenhagen so I'm probably a bit biased.
However there seem to be broad consensus that it's a rather interesting and well written little book, full of nice illustrations.
A very pedagogic introduction to his strange mind.
It covers subjects such as the consequences of bodily implants on the city, the Dioramas of J.P. Wilson in the Natural History Museum and the construction of a camera and a drawing machine... it is indeed a lot about drawings and how they are perceived.
I like it a lot.
The Institute of Cultural Policy in Hamburg who makes this series seem pretty cool. So I could imagine the rest of the books would be worthy reading material too...
Hey Adam - Awesome - that's exactly what I was looking to hear.
How was the class you took with Chard?
Hello Geoff, I'm happy to be of use ...
I studied with Chard for quite a few years and I must admit that my outlook on architecture and other related things have been completely shaped by that experience.
He has a very wide horizon and a vivid imagination. He's honestly the most inspiring and engaged (and demanding) teacher of any kind I ever had. I know some people have felt differently about him. But it worked for me.
Here's jus a tiny little hint of what's going on in(side) Nat Chard('s book): Architecture of our Interior
Hi, just wanted to say, that I have 3 of them (Chora/Bunshoten; Marcos/Marian; hmm don't remeber at the moment); I find the Marcos/Marian one very good, because you cannot find anything about them otherwise. it is just the right mix of theoretical texts and projects. it is one of those books i whish there would be more like this: informative, concise, with just the right amount of project pictures and plans. the design is also pleasingly restrained and not such a graphic oververload you tend to get these days.
the chora/bunshoten one was for me not that interesting, because I already have a big volume on them. but actually there is newer stuff in this one. (the reason I bought this one was that i misread one of the projecttitles and thought it was actually some other project, and got a little disappointed after realising it; haven't looked much into it since - but of course that is not the fault of the book).
living in Germany I have these titles in a bookstore nearby, so I know browsed most of the titles. (and in Germany they are 19.00 Euro). i find the series very interesting, because they feature not so well known architects. and I definitly will buy more, if the featured architect is interesting.
so in short i can reccomend them. the Marcos/Marian issue actually is still on my desk in the office (and not in my shelf at home)
Thanks, Michael - and thanks again, Adam! This is good to read.
I'll try to dig up a copy of these somewhere.
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