Landscape Futures @ Penn

Anyone in the Philadelphia area looking to hear about climate change, ruined cities, tectonic warfare, James Bond, the literal end of the earth, and a bit of Hollywood-style archaeology, consider stopping by Meyerson Hall at the University of Pennsylvania (located here), at 3:30pm today – the first Friday of Spring – to hear BLDGBLOG talk about these and other subjects. This will be a combination of my Bartlett, SCI-Arc, and AIA-Baltimore lectures, focusing specifically on long-term landscape processes – aka landscape futures.
The above image, for instance, from The Museum of Nature by Finnish photographer Ilkka Halso, will be making an appearance.
So come check it out! It's free and open to the public, and should last roughly an hour, with maybe some coffee and drinks afterward for a bit.
Meanwhile, I will be reporting soon about the Baltimore talk – which was a blast, and for which I owe a gigantic thanks both to the AIA-Baltimore and to Preservation Maryland – including a recap of the actual lecture.
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I was at the talk at Penn and I just want to thank you again. I just happened to be in town (visiting from Austin) and it was a great coincidence. Finish up that book so that I can buy it!
This is really a fantastic image....Nice!!!!!
The idea of a city as a Ruin and the Landscape as the future set, or platform for viewing pleasure and entertainment seems to be a novel one.
nomita sawhney
Thanks, Sexface, glad you could make it out. The book's almost done! And it should be on shelves by March/April 2009 or so.
And, Nomita, it sounds like you were there, too? I appreciate the interest, and everyone being there. Seemed like a fairly good turn out... I'll hopefully have some more east coasts talk lined up later this year, too.
the Bmore lecture was great, Geoff. I was glad to see it and glad to be able to say hi afterwards.
Nice to finally meet you, Geoff. The talk in Baltimore was fantastic. I posted about it on my blog, under the title "Science vs. Human Nature":
Hey Elizabeth - It was great to meet you, too; I'm glad you made it out. Thanks for the write-up, as well.
And, 765, it was also great to see you and to put a face to a name. Wish we could have talked a bit more afterward, but drop me a line if you're ever out in San Francisco (Elizabeth, too!). Hopefully I'll be out on the east coast again this year for more talks, possibly in the mid-Atlantic neck of the woods.
I had a lot of fun during the lecture, actually, and hope it went well for everyone out there in the audience. Here are some photographs, for nostalgia's sake.
No No No I wasnt there... this is purely a virtual assesement, though IF the details of the lecture would be available that would be great....cheers,
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