White House Redux: The Book

- With almost 500 submissions from 42 countries around the world, White House Redux, a competition launched by Storefront for Art and Architecture and Control Group last January, became one of the most talked-about architecture competitions in 2008. The brief was simple: what would the residence of the most powerful individual in the world, the White House in Washington, D.C., look like if it were designed today?
Published to coincide with the opening of an exhibition of the competition's results at Storefront for Art and Architecture, White House Redux—The Book contains a compendium of documentation related to the competition and an overview of the results. It includes essays by Joseph Grima (Storefront for Art and Architecture) and Geoff Manaugh (BLDGBLOG and Dwell Magazine), a history of the existing White House and 123 selected projects as well as the four winning submissions. A jury assessed the submissions in the spectacular setting of the 45th floor of the World Trade Center Tower 7, a process documented in the book's 30-page photoessay by Marty Hyers.
The book is to be available for pre-order and will ship on October 2, 2008, to coincide with the prizegiving and opening of White House Redux at Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York. White House Redux was printed in a limited edition of 500 copies.
734 pages, color and black & white (7.8” x10.5”)
$39 USD Shipping: $5 (USA), $12 (Rest of the world)
Discounts available on shipping for multiple copies
(Note: This might be my last post here for a few days, as I'm going away for a quick – but much-needed – family vacation).
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If it's not spam, it will appear here shortly!
I got an email saying my entry (rather wordy and minimally architectural) will be included in the book and exhibition -- very exciting! Thanks again, Geoff, for putting out the word on the competition way back when!
No problem, Klamath; glad you sent something in!
Wasn't the White House effectively rebuilt in the 1950s, that is gutted and a whole new internal structure inserted? It all sounds like a fantastic project!
too bad, i didn't receive email about my entry being included in the book. :-((
$39.00 x 500 = $19,500.
Prizes = $9,500
I hope/am sceptical that each of the contributors will receive a free copy of the book, considering they generated all of the content.
But wait, if all 500 competitors get a copy, no one else will see this.
Is this really about spreading ideas?
I'm pretty sure contest entrants have to buy a copy of the book if they want one. (Also, the way I read the announcement, only 123 [127?] of the submitters [not the "almost 500"], plus Geoff Manaugh, Joseph Grima, and Marty Hyers, generated the content.)
I think the book is a great idea, it shows to the world the work of 123 design teams that participate on the competition. If you didn't win, at least you can show your work through the book!
Congrats to all participants... including writers Joseph Grima and Geoff Manaugh!
David, the sale of the book at least partially benefits Storefront for Art and Architecture, who raise money for their own daily operations through things like campaign drives, events, and, more creatively, publishing cool books.
Nonprofit art institutions will still find people who are willing to support them, even in today's economy, no thanks to obvious sources of positive energy and encouragement like yourself.
I was surprised to read the comment of the Klamath. I wonder if all entries have been selected have been informed by mail? or if it is that tomorrow there will know all selected? Thanks
The winning projects and about 40 from the "short list" are now viewable on the WH Redux website. Apparently there are about 80 that are not on the short list but are in the book and part of the exhibition.
Are the world interested in package architecture? Whitout real architecture issues. Or it´s like a buble, great form to the eyes but empty inside?
did anyone else have trouble with their order?
mine said my registration could not be found, and the website spat some number out at me.
hi, i don´t understand why there are not shown all entries at the homepage white house redux ?
Re: ...All Entries...from http://blog.wired.com/business/2008/10/white-house-red.html
"By next week, all of the 487 entrants will be online, and popular sentiment may shift again. But one thing will definitely change — the size of the prize the winner will receive."
hi till today i can´t find the 487 entrants that will be online -
it is so easy to show online all entrants - i think it will be fair to show a lot of ideas and not only a handfull shown at the homepage whitehouseredux.
Geoff, I ordered and read this book after being intrigued by the description at BLDGBLOG.
I've also posted a review at the sceptical futuryst.
"Architecture fiction" (per Bruce Sterling), very interesting stuff.
hello guys,
i hope anyone here who can answer my questions. tks^^
1.I did not see my project 470 from "http://whitehouseredux.org/Projects".Why? I did uploaded it to the server.
2.do you guys purchased the white house redux book? if you did, plz check if there is #470 or not?tks.
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