
This is just a quick note to get the word out, but I'm falling out of my chair excited to announce that The BLDGBLOG Book – which is finally shipping throughout the English-speaking world, it seems, with people emailing from Australia, Canada, the UK, and the United States to say that their books have arrived – will officially go live on Tuesday, July 7, with a two-hour launch party hosted by the Architectural Association and sponsored by Wired UK.
Here are the details:
- The BLDGBLOG Book Global Launch Party
Sponsored by Wired UK @ The Architectural Association
Tuesday, 7 July 2009 | 6-8pm
36 Bedford Square, London
Free and open to the public | Cash bar
The basic gist of the evening is to show up, grab a drink at the AA bar (they serve Leffe, one of my favorite beers), take a look at some of the awesome student projects that will be on display that night throughout the building as part of the AA's year-end exhibition (so bring a notebook! there will be cool ideas all over the place and students who deserve the attention), and then wander downstairs to the bookshop and dining area, in the basement, where the "launch" itself will take place.
So come by, have a drink, talk to people, flip through the book, purchase a copy from the AA bookshop, get it signed, do whatever it is that you want with it – enjoy the images, read the interviews, rest your beer on it, show it to people – and just sort of hang out till 8pm or so, when it all comes to a close. It's not formal, and it's not a lecture. If the weather's nice, you can even step outside and enjoy the blue skies of Bedford Square.
Meanwhile, I owe a gigantic thanks to Brett Steele, director of the AA, for hosting this event and Thrilling Wonder Stories last month; to Ben Hammersley, associate editor of Wired UK, for his own interest in all things BLDGBLOG and for bringing me on board last month as contributing editor at the magazine; and to Liam Young, who was absolutely instrumental in seeing these plans come together.
Hope to see you there – and expect a very long post next week about The BLDGBLOG Book itself, which I'm excited to introduce to everyone, finally, now that is has officially hit the shelves.
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I've had my copy for about a week and it's sublime. I'm reading it on 'shuffle' - flicking through it like a choose-your-own-adventure, and stoppign randomly to see what it gives me.
Let me know when you will be in SF next; I want my copy signed and cannot make it to Bedford Square. But congratulations!! and best wishes. the book is as endlessly interesting as the blog
Thanks, guys! So glad you like it. I'll be putting up a post next week about more of the content, and even some of the back-story behind the book, if that sounds of interest to you... Thanks again, though, for the nice thoughts.
Mario, I know I'll be in San Francisco again at some point – but not sure when exactly yet that will be. This fall? Stay tuned here and there on the blog for the next few weeks, as my fall schedule becomes more clear; there are a whole lot of things up in the air right now!
Hi Geoff,
Ordered the book, Amazon ships to its cool :D
All the best on the Launch and everything :)
(the same dude who emailed you from Cupertino)
I got my copy in the mail two weeks ago. I am stoked to see this project finally come to fruition. Congrats Geoff.
You are a deeply inspiring wordsmith and visionary; you are feeding my gorge of an appetite. Your book is the most interesting i have read (period).
With luck we will meet someday and my copy will be signed as well.
Maybe my then the book i am writing will be done and i will sign it for you.
The book has arrived in Paris too, and it's terrific! I hope you will plan to visit the non english speaking world soon...
Hey! This is Monica ( xpostopolis )A thousand congratulations on your book!! it is really great to see that you are always doing such great things. I didn't know where else to reach you.. but i would really be honored to invite you to a forum we are organizing for July 13 ( dont worry its online) with Diana Balmori. It is a Forum on Public Places ( urban design landscape etc ) but the idea is that it is all through twitter. It is called MAKING PUBLIC PLACE can i send you invite? It would be amazing to involve you adn BLDGBLOG if you are interested. Much admiration , monica
Glad you're all receiving your copies of the book! Hopefully some more reviews and what not will continue to appear in the next few weeks, as well, for those of you who haven't picked up a copy yet. Thanks again for all the kind thoughts, though, which are great to read.
Monica, feel free to email me: bldgblog (at) gmail. I'll be in Australia that day, but might be able to participate. Good to hear from you!
Excited about the party tonight! Can't wait to get my copy. See you there!
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