Now that Landscapes of Quarantine is up and open for view—and will be until April 17—we're off for a quick vacation. The opening night was amazing; thanks to everyone who came out, to everyone who helped set up, and to everyone whose work appears in the show. Thanks, especially, to Glen Cummings of MTWTF for a fantastic exhibition design, and to Josh Hearn and César Cotta for sticking around all week for 3am vinyl installations, multiple coats of paint, and more.
[Image: Outside-in: looking into Brian Slocum's panel installation (left) and Jeffrey Inaba's/C-LAB's temporary sidewalk pavilions, built from Tyvek and blown air, at Storefront for Art and Architecture; photo by Nicola Twilley].
I'm obviously biased, as the show's co-curator, but the works on display are awesome. They are:
[Image: Photo by Emiliano Granado].
The show is already getting some great press, such as these articles and previews in Azure, Dwell,, Fast Company, and SEED. Pruned, mammoth, dpr-barcelona, and Life Without Buildings have also all added interests of their own.
I've included a few photos here, meanwhile, but will be posting more about the show once the next few days of travel are done.
I should also briefly add that this is the first post I've ever written while flying in a Wifi-enabled airplane—in this case, over the American midwest—riding through invisible geographies of air, turbulence bobbling us side to side in an experiential, transparent plate tectonics of the sky.
[Image: Photo by Emiliano Granado].
So thanks again for coming out for the exhibition opening. Regular posts will resume soon.

[Images: All photos, except the last five (two of which are by Nicola Twilley and Stacy Fisher), by Emiliano Granado (who appears, with tripod, in the final image)].

I'm obviously biased, as the show's co-curator, but the works on display are awesome. They are:
- Pages 179–187 by Joe Alterio
Q-CITY: An Investigation by Front Studio/Yen Ha, Michi Yanagishita, and Joshua Cummings
MAP 002 QUARANTINE by David Garcia Studio
Did We Build The Frontier To Keep It Closed? by Scott Geiger
Field Notes from Quarantine, Katie Holten
Hotel III, Camp II, Lab IV, and Cell V by Mimi Lien
Cordon Sanitaire by Kevin Slavin
Context/Shift, Brian Slocum
Containing Uncertainty, Smudge Studio/Jamie Kruse & Elizabeth Ellsworth
NYCQ by Amanda Spielman & Jordan Spielman
Quick by Richard Mosse
Thermal Scanner and Body Temperature Alert System by Daniel Perlin
Precious Isolation: A Pair of Invasive Species by Thomas Pollman

The show is already getting some great press, such as these articles and previews in Azure, Dwell,, Fast Company, and SEED. Pruned, mammoth, dpr-barcelona, and Life Without Buildings have also all added interests of their own.
I've included a few photos here, meanwhile, but will be posting more about the show once the next few days of travel are done.
I should also briefly add that this is the first post I've ever written while flying in a Wifi-enabled airplane—in this case, over the American midwest—riding through invisible geographies of air, turbulence bobbling us side to side in an experiential, transparent plate tectonics of the sky.

So thanks again for coming out for the exhibition opening. Regular posts will resume soon.

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Looks amazing. If only I could 'favourite' blog posts!
wow- i've been immortalized on my favorite blog (top picture). didn't even realize someone was photographing, hope i didn't ruin the shot. gorgeous presentation of the show, by the way.
I was there a few days ago. Really enjoyed looking through it--very nicely done. I only regret not buying the two MAP issues!!
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