Best... what?
Somehow, BLDGBLOG has just won the title of Best Urban Architecture Blog over at Gridskipper... Leading to open, if excited, puzzlement.

Well, thank you if you voted; but if you're new to this site and want to see what there is to do here, quickly, a narrative table of contents reappears below. Click through at your leisure – then forward to the BBC...
Meanwhile, don't forget the world's other – and quite possibly better – architecture blogs, including Pruned, gravestmor, Inhabitat, Land+Living, Daily Dose, Brand Avenue, Interactive Architecture dot Org (and many, many, many others); then there's Régine, winner of Best Urban Arts Blog for the increasingly better-than-everything we make money not art. (And don't forget Archinect).
Anyway, thanks again, be in touch, come back often, and here are the goods:

Where Gothic cathedrals go to die, on the beaches of an equatorial island!
Rollerskating alone at night through underground knots!
The world's largest diamond mine!
Singing icebergs, as the arched foundations of London groan!
A man's apartment exactly reproduced using colorful nylon sheets!
Lunar electricity!

The drains, tunnels, and self-connected topologies of underground London!
Entire cities snowing diamonds from Baroque domes!
A temporary public park – complete with bench and parking meter!
The poet Shelley sets sail for a volcanic archipelago made entirely of glass!
Beautiful maps!
A London superstadium full of ring magnets will capture the Northern Lights!

The churches of Christopher Wren, transformed into a geomagnetic harddrive!
Proto-terrestrial landscapes swarming with alien bacteria!
James Bond thwarts a San Franciscan attempt at tectonic warfare!
An abandoned island off the coast of Japan!
The suburbs, raw mounds, and earthworks before construction arrives!
The internal volume of Notre-Dame, Paris, carved into the surface of the moon!

The landscape architecture of Hell, its subsurface faults and magmatic geology!
Why not live inside your garage?
The robotic, neverending cinema of Los Angeles traffic control!
The house of landslides, filled with geese!
Measuring astronomy – solstice and stars – with a city modeled on Stonehenge!

The averaged images of suburban ennui!
New Arctic seaways promise Lovecraftian visions to come!
Famous architecture, blurred!
Photographs of Chernobyl, including an abandoned alphabet!
The Earth in 7.5 billion years!

Fossilized cities!
The art of reforesting continents through tree bombs!
The deserts of the world are musical instruments!
The wonderfully weird, self-observing urban world of CCTV!
Sci-fi instant cities built above working limeworks pits!
WWII British sound mirrors used to musicalize mountain storms!

All hell is breaking loose in middle America!
San Jellocisco!
Catching near-earth asteroids using a gigantic baseball mit!
An inflatable hotel – in deep space!
Folk maps of Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal!
Houses, churches, places to hang: it's the afterlife of the Quonset hut!

A man jumps from a balloon, free-falls 20 miles through the stratosphere, and captures the whole thing on tape!
King Kong!
Complicated pipe networks are plugged into a volcano to extrude cathedrals directly from the earth!
Huge, interconnected white towers in the middle of Beijing!
An Indonesian mine and the technicolor stalactites it will form in a million years!
Amazing tree houses by Andrew Maynard!

Happy new year. (And thanks again).

Well, thank you if you voted; but if you're new to this site and want to see what there is to do here, quickly, a narrative table of contents reappears below. Click through at your leisure – then forward to the BBC...
Meanwhile, don't forget the world's other – and quite possibly better – architecture blogs, including Pruned, gravestmor, Inhabitat, Land+Living, Daily Dose, Brand Avenue, Interactive Architecture dot Org (and many, many, many others); then there's Régine, winner of Best Urban Arts Blog for the increasingly better-than-everything we make money not art. (And don't forget Archinect).
Anyway, thanks again, be in touch, come back often, and here are the goods:

Where Gothic cathedrals go to die, on the beaches of an equatorial island!
Rollerskating alone at night through underground knots!
The world's largest diamond mine!
Singing icebergs, as the arched foundations of London groan!
A man's apartment exactly reproduced using colorful nylon sheets!
Lunar electricity!

The drains, tunnels, and self-connected topologies of underground London!
Entire cities snowing diamonds from Baroque domes!
A temporary public park – complete with bench and parking meter!
The poet Shelley sets sail for a volcanic archipelago made entirely of glass!
Beautiful maps!
A London superstadium full of ring magnets will capture the Northern Lights!

The churches of Christopher Wren, transformed into a geomagnetic harddrive!
Proto-terrestrial landscapes swarming with alien bacteria!
James Bond thwarts a San Franciscan attempt at tectonic warfare!
An abandoned island off the coast of Japan!
The suburbs, raw mounds, and earthworks before construction arrives!
The internal volume of Notre-Dame, Paris, carved into the surface of the moon!

The landscape architecture of Hell, its subsurface faults and magmatic geology!
Why not live inside your garage?
The robotic, neverending cinema of Los Angeles traffic control!
The house of landslides, filled with geese!
Measuring astronomy – solstice and stars – with a city modeled on Stonehenge!

The averaged images of suburban ennui!
New Arctic seaways promise Lovecraftian visions to come!
Famous architecture, blurred!
Photographs of Chernobyl, including an abandoned alphabet!
The Earth in 7.5 billion years!

Fossilized cities!
The art of reforesting continents through tree bombs!
The deserts of the world are musical instruments!
The wonderfully weird, self-observing urban world of CCTV!
Sci-fi instant cities built above working limeworks pits!
WWII British sound mirrors used to musicalize mountain storms!

All hell is breaking loose in middle America!
San Jellocisco!
Catching near-earth asteroids using a gigantic baseball mit!
An inflatable hotel – in deep space!
Folk maps of Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal!
Houses, churches, places to hang: it's the afterlife of the Quonset hut!

A man jumps from a balloon, free-falls 20 miles through the stratosphere, and captures the whole thing on tape!
King Kong!
Complicated pipe networks are plugged into a volcano to extrude cathedrals directly from the earth!
Huge, interconnected white towers in the middle of Beijing!
An Indonesian mine and the technicolor stalactites it will form in a million years!
Amazing tree houses by Andrew Maynard!

Happy new year. (And thanks again).
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Congratulations! A well-deserved honor!
A very deserving award. I'm always amazed at the plethora of amazing stuff you cover. Kudos!
Congratulations (from a fan in Los Angeles.)
Geoff, your humility is refreshing, but the honor is well deserved. Your imaginative and savvily-illustrated posts set a gold standard for the rest of us architecture-bloggers! Continued success in the New Year!
So you DID win, yay!!! I was wondering at work Friday who had won, and I couldn't be happier or feel it was more deserved. Congrats!! Looking forward to more in '06.
Hey J, liberty bell, peelitback, and Los Angeles - thanks! And happy 2006. Spread the word.
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