Fish hatcheries, barrier trees, and a new architectural Tokyo

I've just added two sketches by Mark Goerner to the film fest page; the images are also pictured here. I love this stuff!

[Image: A sketch by Mark Goerner].

You're looking, first, at Mark's vision of a future Tokyo, glancing down over the rim of a balcony into a massive hotel-like interior with its own train system and a kind of tent market laid out on the main floor (here's a much larger version to check out).

[Image: A sketch by Mark Goerner].

Then you're looking at a speculative building for a future Sahara, complete with fish hatcheries, beehive towers, barrier trees, and a roof made of "solar fabric" (larger version also available).
So I'll use this as a quick reminder to come out to the event on May 8th, and to bring a friend and some questions and listen to four guys talking about film and architecture.

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Blogger mark said...

are these lectures ever recorded and then, perhaps, uploaded to google video? I, for one, would be very interested in participating but geographical limitations prohibit physical attendance...

March 30, 2007 3:31 PM  

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